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Traditional Greek Recipes

We deliver you with the most finest of our traditional Greek recipes based on our products.
Healthy Meal
- Trahana Soup
- Hylopites with chicken
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Trahana soup (serves 2)


1 cup trahana
3 cups water
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon butter
salt & pepper according to taste
100gr feta cheese

Add the water, milk and trahana in a saucepan and bring to boil.
Reduce to medium heat, add the salt, pepper and butter and stir continuously for 10-15 minutes.
When the soup is ready serve in two large bowls and add the feta cheese in small cubes on top of each bowl.

Hylopites(Greek pasta) with
chicken (serves 4)

1 whole chicken in pieces cut into portions
100 ml olive oil
200 gr. onions, chopped
4 cloves garlic mashed
800 gr. ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 bay leaf (preferably fresh)
400 - 500 ml chicken broth or water
250 gr. Hylopites
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Season well the chicken portions with salt and pepper.
In a wide shallow pot, heat 50ml of olive oil over high heat.
Place the chicken in the pot and saute for about 5 minutes on each side, until browned evenly.
Add the onions and garlic and saute for another 3 minutes, being careful not to burn the garlic.

Add the tomatoes and bay leaf, cover the pan and cook for 20 minutes over very low heat.
Then, remove the chicken breasts when they have become soft, place in a large plate and keep warm.
Continue to cook the chicken legs for another 30 minutes, always in low heat with the saucepan covered until tender.

Pour the broth or water in the pan and increases the heat until it boils. Add the hylopites and cook as indicated on the package until they soften, with the pot uncovered.

Put back in the pan the chicken breasts, leave for 1minute until reheated, and remove the pan from the heat.
Pour the remaining olive oil and relish with salt and pepper.
Mix gently. Let the food aside.
